Friday 30 November 2012

Marissa Mayer

Marissa Mayer, CEO of Yahoo is an amazing woman, one of the youngest Fortune 500 CEO's and a trailblazer for women in the male dominated technology sector. She is the kind of person i hope both my daughters aspire to be like rather than the vapid reality TV celebrity, which seems to be the vogue among many nowadays.

She recently commented in an interview ( that having a baby was easier than expected, which is great. I'm delighted for her, (I find it bloody tough) especially as she was able to return to work less than two weeks after giving birth.

She's a lucky woman that her circumstances allow her enough support to be able to juggle the work and childcare balance than many strive and fail to hit.  We all dream of not worrying about going to work on 2 hours sleep, having to get the kid and herself dressed and out the house to be on time for work, to have to deal with household jobs, shopping, supplying prizes for the school Christmas fayre, dropping off at ballet and picking up from the childminder, or the accompanying guilt that comes with all this.

We shouldn't castigate Marissa for her finding things easy, she has after all worked bloody hard to get where she has, but as Dad's maybe we should perhaps stop and have a think about the incredible working mums that work just as hard as Marissa and but don't find it an 'easy' balance to both bring in money to the household while being a full time mummy.

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