Wednesday 7 November 2012

Sometimes I feel like i'm the only boy in the World (or house)

Before i really get to the stars of this blog, i just wanted to let you know a little more about me.  I am after all the narrator to the story that will play out over the next 20 years or so.  You therefore must, no, need to know a little bit about my background so you can understand where i'm coming from on this. So please indulge me for a single post.

I have the best job in the world... if you asked a 15 year old boy that is.

I work in the videogames business and not those happy bright videogames beloved of small children and normally played on Nintendo's consoles. I'm talking the dark nasty games where you shoot people in the face, where you butcher the masses with chainsaws, where killing nets you points, the kind of thing that supposedly inspires American teenagers to shoot up schools if you listen to the Daily Mail.  My dad tells me to grow up and get a proper job. I'm 35.

5 years ago my ideal day would have consisted of video games, watching sport, drinking beer probably an evening out with a meal. I was your typical bloke, sure i always had a feminine side, i love the colour pink, do all the cooking in the house but I was happiest doing traditional 'boy stuff'.

Perhaps naively I always imagined having a son to play football in the garden with, to take to the rugby, to watch them grow up and become men.  So when 'Number 1' came along I was a bit taken aback, my next 10 years were going to be filled with One Direction concerts, dance recitals and Disney on ice.  'Number 2' came along a few years later, just to compound my distress i was now going to have to deal with two lots of boyfriends, two lots of shopping trips as they grew older, and two weddings to contribute to.  As i thought about my situation i also realised that it also meant that i'd have two lots of cuddles, afternoons off when they wanted to go shopping with their mum, two little girls whose father, at least until they were 12, would be the most important man in their life. It also had the possible added benefit of being forced to go and see the Saturdays in concert. Swings and roundabouts and all that...  

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