Tuesday 6 November 2012

Here Goes Nothing

This is my first post, well not my first post you understand, somewhere on the deepest darkest depths of the internet there are probably three or four blogs that I once started that never got as far as the third post, who are now are officially dead... But the first post on 'Daddy's Little Princesses' and why will this be any different? Well content for starters. I have an unlimited supply of content thanks to my two little princesses, or daughters or monkeys, or something a much ruder (under my breath) when they're playing me up and I've only had a couple of hours sleep...

Please allow me to introduce you. I'm calling them Number 1 and Number 2 for the sake of this blog as until they're old enough to make a decision on whether they want to be named by their embarrassing Dad. This way we'll never had that awful thing where two teenagers refuse to speak to me after their school mates find the Google TV ad i approved on youtube, you know the one that starts with me showing pictures of them as kids goes on to show them growing into beautiful young women and makes you get a bit misty eyed? I digress.
  • No 1 - My eldest. 4 years old. Just started school, a mixture of angelic beauty and Chucky from Child's play. Has inherited my temper when lacking sleep alongside my love of a moan and her mothers stubborn streak, this is not a good combination. She will cause me all manor of problems in the future as she grows up.
  • No 2 - The youngest. 17 months old. Squealing noise machine. Confident & outgoing, surprisingly strong & much more laid back than number 1. Top wind up merchant and naughtier than her bigger sister, but is always affectionate and does everything with a giggle and a smile that it's impossible to tell her off. She will cause me all manor of problems in the future as she grows up.

These two alongside my wonderful wife and our old cat Millie make for an interesting mix. It's less of a battle of the sexes and more intergalactic warfare.

This blog is all about a simple man who loves beer, technology and sport whose life is now a whirlwind of pink, Disney, ballet lessons and wouldn't change a thing...well maybe a little

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