Tuesday 27 November 2012

The Sound of Silence

This isn't about the amazing Simon and Garfunkel song of the same name, nor is it that time post 7pm when the kids are asleep in bed and the silence is only broken by the glug glug glugging of wine being poured into the glass... no the sound of the silence is as dark and terrifying as the lyrics of the song.

You're having a nice conversation with your other half, maybe on the phone to an old friend or caught up with some household chores.  Your partner turns and stares open eyed like the moment in a horror film where the killer ghost reveals it's self. 

The conversation then goes something like this 

"Oh *£!&"

At that point the penny drops, your angelic little girls are silent, there is not a noise to be heard. Your feet start moving like roadrunners, moving but getting no traction, the world slows as you take the corner from the kitchen as your socked feet slide like they're on ice, you fly round the into the room the silence has enveloped like a fog and and you find a scene like this...

Well in my case it Number 2 was the wannabe Banksy / displaying her creative side with the crayons... we are now decorating the lounge a little earlier than expected.

With apologies to Simon and Garfunkel 

Hello reader, my new friend
I've come to post a blog again
Because a princess softly creeping
Drew on walls while I was sleeping
And the vision that was painted on the wall
Still remains
I should have noticed the sound of silence

In restless nights I worked alone
Scrubbing walls like cobblestones
'Neath the halo of a habitat lamp
I scrubbed with sugar soap and damp
When my eyes were drawn by the flash of neon pen
behind the sofa
And i cursed the sound of silence

And in the Ikea light I saw
Ten thousand crayons, on the floor
Paint was everywhere and leaking
The glue on the floor was glistening
People who experience writing on the walls never shared
And i forgot to
Disturb the sound of silence

"Fool!", said I, "You will never learn
They'll work together to take a turn
Always hide the craft when you're at home
Please read my words that I might teach you
Take my twitter so I might reach you"
But my words, like marker pen on walls will be ignored
And etched
In the wells of silence

And as I went to B&Q
This story i'm telling you
the till flashed out its warning
Blimey the cost of paint is soaring
And the lesson learnt in all this, "The words of the princess are written on the living room walls
but they're no Banksy's"
And are scribbled in the sound of silence

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