Monday 12 November 2012

Out of The Mouths...

Number 2 is adorably cute, to the point that if she wakes up in the night you can hear her calling "Mummy. Daddy, Cuddle?" the whole learning new words is wonderful as a parent, heart melting, tear to the eye stuff.   

But it's Number 1 where we find most fun, her stubborn I’m always right streak makes for some interesting conversations. As a two year old her Great Uncle Rodger was simply known as "Uncle Bugger" while last Christmas as a three year old, she kept asking to open her "African Lavender" cue puzzled looks and full on screaming tantrum when everyone looked puzzled till we worked out she was asking for her Advent Calendar.

It truly is amazing what kids soak up through osmosis…

Recently when discussing the human body with her school teacher Aunt that the heart was being discussed.

Aunt           “the heart keeps you alive”
Number 1    “what happens when it stops?”
Aunt           “well you die and then you go off to heaven”
Number 1    “Great Nans heart stopped and now she’s in heaven. Heaven is a very long way away. It’s so far away that we can’t go and see her anymore… it’s nearly as far away as Auntie Did lives”

Auntie Did actually lives in Ware less than 10 miles away, but my mother in Law
is always moaning about how far the drive is from Barnet. 

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